Testing Key Hypothesis With Your MVP

This afternoon I gave a talk at StartMIT, a 2 1/2 week course that is held each January to introduce MIT students to entrepreneurship. The topics covered by the program include everything from fund raising to team building to scaling a business. Each session is taught by an industry professionals, including many notable Boston-area entrepreneurs, investors and executives. My session today was on testing hypotheses using a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) - a topic I will admit to having an irrational amount of passion around. Below are my slides for anyone interested.

Overall it was a great experience with a unique program from the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship. I was fortunate to have a highly interactive class of students, including several actively building businesses. It was particularly enjoyable to deep dive into real-world challenges students were confronting during the Q&A part of the session.

Testing Key Hypothesis With Your MVP from Joe Kinsella