The below bios and headshot are provided for inclusion in press coverage.
Short Version
Joe Kinsella is an entrepreneur, investor and technology leader from Boston who is passionate about startups, baseball, and all things cloud. He founded CloudHealth in 2012 with the goal of disrupting the growing complexity of cloud computing. The company become a global leader in public and private cloud management, and was acquired by VMware in 2018. Under his leadership CloudHealth grew to over 500 employees and $100M+ in revenue.
Joe has been an executive and technology leader across multiple companies in his career, from startups such as SilverBack Technologies and Sonian, to enterprises such as Dell and VMware. He was also an early Agile pioneer in the software industry, having been a member of the "first Scrum team" prior to the advent of the Agile Manifesto. Joe both speaks and mentors at entrepreneur programs at Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the State University of New York at Oswego.
Long Version
Joe Kinsella is an entrepreneur, investor and technology leader from Boston who is passionate about startups, baseball, and all things cloud. He founded CloudHealth in 2012 with the goal of disrupting the growing complexity of cloud computing. The company become a global leader in public and private cloud management, and was acquired by VMware in 2018. Under his leadership CloudHealth grew to over 500 employees and $100M+ in revenue.
Joe has been an executive and technology leader across multiple companies in his career, from startups such as SilverBack Technologies and Sonian, to enterprises such as Dell and VMware. He was also an early Agile pioneer in the software industry, having been a member of the "first Scrum team" prior to the advent of the Agile Manifesto. Joe both speaks and mentors at entrepreneur programs at Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the State University of New York at Oswego.
Joe is an avid blogger, a member of the Forbes Technology Council, and a Boston CIO of the Year award winner. He has a deep expertise in product strategy, and talks publicly on topics such as customer validation, product market fit, using Agile for rapid startup innovation.